submitted by Donna Digennaro, Clermont Historical Society

Clermont’s new City Manager Brian Bulthuis was the featured speaker at the February meeting of the Clermont Historical Society.

Brian discussed his goal which is to partner with local merchants, the Clermont Historic Village, and the citizens of Clermont.  Right now he is busy learning his way around Clermont, getting involved in the local arts scene, and experiencing what makes Clermont so special in addition to learning the ins and outs of his new position.

One thing he brings with him is experience with a national organization called Main Street America which Clermont has just become a part of. Main Street America is dedicated to historic preservation and promoting small towns and what makes them unique.   As he talked about all that organization can do for a city, he had several excellent suggestions for the Historical Society to consider looking into the future.

The Historical Society has a long-standing relationship with the city and is proud to work with its employees and elected officials in preserving the history of our community.  Take advantage of the nice weather Clermont has this time of year and visit the Historic Village, located at 490 West Avenue, to see how we do that and take a step back in time.  The Village is open every Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.  See the home of Clermont’s first African American residents, the original Cooper Memorial Library, a World War II Quonset hut, and much more.  A donation of $5.00 per person over 12 is requested.

Are you interested in the history of Clermont or history in general?  Why not consider joining the Historical Society and becoming involved in preserving heritage.  Annual membership is only $25.00 for an individual or $35.00 for a couple.  Monthly meetings are on the second Monday of the month at 6:00 pm in the Train Depot in the Village and are open to the public.  The next meeting will be March 14th.