The FIRST Robotics Groveland team, All Wired Up, spent a once-in-a-lifetime adventure doing their FIRST robot driving practice inside the vast expanses of Cherry Valley Trail, Station 2.  

The team had a great time able to spread out and drive their robot.  They set up courses simulating the competition coming up next weekend.  There is no way to describe the benefit of having an open and flexible space to set up courses, practice and test their robot.  
After the work part, the team had some fun just running the robot.  
“I cannot imagine either the wonderful experience of being a teenager being able to build, operate, and compete with a robot like this.  Nor can I imagine being able to have access to the great space offered by the Groveland Fire Department and each and every individual on the GFD who make this possible”, said mentor Marty Proctor.