The Kiwanis Club of South Lake would like to thank Mandy Cooke for providing our club with a presentation on Take Stock in Children (TSIC). TSIC is a scholarship and mentoring program for high school students from financially disadvantaged families. Upon the student’s acceptance into the program, they sign a contract agreeing that while in high school they will maintain a 2.5 GPA with no 9-week grades below a C, attend school regularly, be in good standing with regard to behavior at school, meet with a mentor for 30-minutes each week, and attend mandatory TSIC events. Upon graduation, the students are awarded a scholarship for tuition roughly equivalent to an Associates’s Degree.
TSIC mentors are community members with a heart for children. They help the students keep on track for graduating and pursuing their post-secondary education. When they visit with the students (either virtually or in person), the discussion can be about anything from daily life to their future plans. Some mentors even go the extra mile and attend sporting events or performances their mentees are involved with. Having another adult in their lives that the student is not related to or receiving grades from can make a big difference in their lives!
For additional information about Take Stock in Children, to inquire about becoming a mentor, or to make a donation, please visit www.edfoundationlake.com/TSICLakeSumter.
Kiwanis International is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child at a time. The Kiwanis Club of South Lake meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am at the Citrus Tower Conference Center, 2757 Citrus Tower Boulevard. Stop by and check us out. We’d love to meet you! For additional information about Kiwanis, please visit kcosl.org or Kiwanis.org