Cadet Jaros at the VFW Essay Awards Ceremony

By 1st Lt Cris Coniglio, PAO

Congratulations to Cadet Sargent David Jaros from the Civil Air Patrol’s Lake Composite Squadron in Leesburg, Florida for winning First Place in both the local and district levels for the VFW’s annual Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest.  He was awarded a cash prize and personalized plaque at the VFW District’s February meeting.

Every year the VFW sponsors a nationwide essay contest called the Patriot’s Pen, which is open to middle school students. The essay guidelines consist of a 300–400-word essay expressing their views based on a patriotic theme that is chosen by the VFW each year. The VFW started the scholarship program in 1947, by giving the students an opportunity to express themselves regarding democratic ideas and principles.   VFW Post 4337, Inverness & District 7 awarded the Patriot Pen award to Caget Sargent David Jaros. 

The 2021 Patriot’s Pen theme was “How Can I Be a Good American?”.  Jaros’ award-winning theme submitted to the VFW Post 4337, was about “Setting a goal and work toward it until it’s accomplished”.  In addition, Jaros wrote, “Begin as a kid by making your bed and building up your service to mankind from there.  Look for ways to serve your family, your community, and your nation.  America has unlimited opportunities to serve for those who are looking.” 

Cadet Sargent David Jaros carries this theme through his own life by being an active member of the Civil Air Patrol at the Lake Composite Squadron in Leesburg. 

Civil Air Patrol’s Lake Composite Squadron meets every Tuesday at 6:00 pm at the Leesburg International Airport squadron building. New members are welcome – for more information regarding meetings, call (860) 605-0738.