The City of Groveland and its partners receive funding for community wellness initiatives.  

On January 18, 2022, the City of Groveland along with two of its local community partners, participated in an awards presentation given by the Live Well Foundation of South Lake, as a prelude to a community grant supporting Groveland’s health and wellness initiatives. The City recently received its first $2.6M installment of the total $6.2M award, for assistance in funding the expansion of Groveland’s trails, the building of a community gymnasium in partnership with the Hope Movement Center and providing a larger youth education facility for the Else Tomlin Empowerment Center. Funding will be distributed incrementally over the next three years.   

The award amounts are as follows:  

  • City of Groveland $500,000.00   
  • Elese Tomlin Empowerment Center $1,100,000.00   
  • Hope Movement Center $1,000,000.00  

“The City of Groveland through collaborative efforts is working to improve the health and wellness of residents,” said Live Well Foundation of South Lake Board Chair Dr. Kasey Kesselring. “Live Well Foundation of South Lake is a proud supporter of the Elese Tomlin Empowerment Center partnership between the City of Groveland and Anointed Community Services. The grant will expand the center providing much needed afterschool and summer programs, educational opportunities, food distribution, and social services for the community.”  

Donna Kirtland Live Well Foundation Executive Director added, “The additional partnership with the Hope Movement Center will be for the health and wellness of all citizens of South Lake County through a public-private collaborative agreement for the benefit of residents.”  

The Live Well Foundation of South Lake was established in 2019 as a 501(c)(3) and is dedicated to inspiring sustainable initiatives that enhance the health and wellness of the South Lake community. The foundation aspires to attract and fund much-needed healthcare and healthy lifestyle programs to serve residents. They intend to be long-term partners in bringing more healthcare choices and healthier lifestyle services to the people of South Lake County.  

For more information or to apply for a grant, visit The Live Well Foundation of South Lake online at