Feature Story and Photos by Larry H. Oskin, South Lake Tablet

The South Lake Non-Profit Think Tank was launched in Fall 2020 by Otis and Sandra Taylor to help unify all local area non-profit agencies and community organizations as well as to personify the pride and positive community spirit that we have here in Clermont and Central Florida.  Affiliates of the South Lake Non-Profit Think Tank work together to create innovative solutions for operating and funding that help improve and expand the serves and benefits for each of their organizations. This diverse Think Tank group meets together every other month to collaborate with each other for the mutual benefit of our community.

Otis Taylor shares, “Functioning as a non-profit volunteer organization, the Give A Day Foundation works hand-in-hand with other local area non-profit organizations. Being around the ins and outs of these non-profits, I started to realize they were going through similar challenges such as operating, funding and getting known in the community. It was as if a light switched on as the idea came to me, wouldn’t it be great if we could all unite and learn from each other to strengthen our non-profit community, while sharing knowledge and training opportunities that would benefit all of our non-profits. As a result, our South Lake Nonprofit Think Tank was established with two primary functions. First, to create a place where local non-profits can come together to learn best practices from each other and to come up with innovative solutions for operating and funding a successful non-profit. Secondly, SLNPTT serves as a help directory for the local community seeking assistance.” 

With the similar challenges for funding as well as a need for more sponsors and volunteers, each SLNPTT organization has begun to unite together, by sharing expertise and common solutions to solve everyday problems. They share information on many other important demanding issues like community impact, organizational growth, new services, special events and grants.

Every SLNPTT meeting offers presentations by non-profit experts on how to be more successful. They work together to improve their skills with marketing, media exposure, social media, website presence and an array of operational issues. They are always looking for new unified solutions to the professional resource challenges for food banks, affordable housing, financial management, career development, healthcare awareness, cancer treatment services, volunteerism, scholarships, senior citizen programs, youth programming, support for the local arts, healthcare, software development and more.

Pastor Tony McCoy

April’s guest speaker was Pastor Tony McCoy. He said, “Be a warrior. Fight for what you believe in. Be innovative. Start each day with a plan and a purpose. Be prepared, show up early with a smile and build a solid routine that embraces your purpose. You don’t need to look good getting started, as long as you look great when you succeed!” 

SLNPTT meetings are held on the second Friday afternoon of every other month. The next meeting will be held on Friday, June 10 from 4:00 to 5:30 PM at the Community Foundation of South Lake. Those interested, need to RSVP early as space is limited.

Taylor is also founder of the Give A Day Foundation. GADF volunteers come from every religious, ethnic and economic background. Volunteers work help to improve the lives of individuals and families while helping to build a stronger community. New volunteers, partners and donors are always welcome. Otis says, “growth strategies for non-profits is our primary focus this year”. 

To learn more about GADF and SLNPTT, visit their websites at: https://www.giveadayfoundation.org/,www.giveadayfoundation.org/register-for-champion-circle and: www.southlakenon-profitthinktank.org. Non-profits are invited to share their special events on the SLNPTT Website Calendar. Visit and like their Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/GiveADayFoundation/ and www.facebook.com/SouthLakeNonProfitThinkTank/. Call: 407-864-3303 or email Otis Taylor directly at: Otis@GiveADayFoundation.org.