L-R: Board Members: Parlimentarian-Rosetta Shobe; Educational-Toni Bell, Sec-Pat Moore, Treasurer-Diann Lovette, VP-Terry Moherek, Pres. -Michelle Delaney

Beta Theta’s held its April business meeting at the home of member Toni Bell-Rescoe.  This was a special meeting with awards presented and the new 2022-23 Officers installed.  Past Beta Theta president Sandie Stacy presided over the installation and Awards chair member Terry Moherek presented awards to members.

Michelle Delaney was installed as the 2022-2023 Beta Theta president and for her theme chose “Making the World a Better Place”.  She explained“I believe in myself and the goodness in others.  As long as I remain kind, work hard to benefit our community, and keep smiling, I can make my corner of the world a better place. If others strive for the same, We can make the world a better place!”. 

The 2022-23 Beta Theta’s board members are President, Michelle Delaney; Vice President, Terry Moherek; Secretary, Pat Moore; Treasurer, Diann Lovitt; Parliamentarian, Rosetta Shobe.

Perfect Attendance:

L-R: Perfect Attendance -Toni Bell-Rescoe, Pat Moore, Michelle Delaney, Lucy Hage and Terry Moherek

Years Of Service (Milestones)

L-R: Years of Service: Sandie Stacy (15 years), Lucy Hage (15 years) Pat Moore (30 years), Donna Kidder (35 years ), and Toni Bell-Rescoe (55 years). Terry Moherek, Awards Chair

Miss Enthusiasm and Woman of the Year – Sandie Stacy:

Pictured L-R: Awards Chair Terry Moherek and Woman of the Year/Miss Enthusiasm Sandie Stacy

Philanthropic Award Went To Michelle Delaney for the most Service Hours:

Pictured: Awards Chair Terry Moherek. Philanthropic Award presented to Michelle Delaney


Beta Theta-ESA was founded in 1979 as a community service organization. For over 40 years, it has played an active role in the community, providing local scholarships, supporting local 501-c3 and working to make the world a better place.