America In Bloom - Groveland Committee

Rod Barnes and Teresa Woodard
     of America in Bloom Advisor

Our thanks and admiration go to Groveland for its participation in the America in Bloom awards program. Special thanks go to Wilma Nicholas, Water Conservation & Landscape Specialist for the City of Groveland and Mayor Evelyn Wilson with the City of Groveland and all their members, staff, participants, sponsors, and volunteers for organizing remarkable tours and meetings on April 27 and 28. We enjoyed meeting and spending time with everyone as they showcased all of the reasons Groveland has to be proud.

America in Bloom envisions communities as welcoming and vibrant places to live, work, and play – benefitting from colorful plants and trees; enjoying clean environments; celebrating heritage; and planting pride through volunteerism.

America in Bloom is more than flowers. As Groveland’s AIB advisors, we evaluated their efforts in the six pillars that make communities great – floral display, landscaping, urban forestry, heritage preservation, environmental initiatives, community vitality, and overall impression with community involvement in the residential, commercial, and municipal sectors. We will provide a written evaluation immediately following our symposium. We welcome everyone to attend our symposium, held in St. Louis, Missouri, September 29 – October 1, 2022, where we will announce this year’s award winners.

For More Information see The Article AMERICA IN BLOOM-GROVELAND