Clermont poster winners with Mayor Tim Murry

The Drop Saver Program was created in 1998 by the American Water Works Association as part of its larger initiative to help educate young people on the importance of conserving and protecting the most valuable natural resource on Earth – water!

For the ninth consecutive year, the City of Clermont has invited students from seven Clermont schools to participate in a Water Conservation poster contest.  Fifteen (15) students submitted their work, illustrating what they think water conservation means. Staff was then tasked with selecting the winners – which was not easy! The winners were recognized by the City Council and received a framed copy of their artwork, a T-shirt featuring their artwork and a gift bag. The overall winner’s artwork will be displayed in City Hall.

The winners are:

  • Alicia Brown, 8th Grade, East Ridge Middle School – Overall winner
  • Payton Franklin, 4th Grade, Cypress Ridge Elementary School – grade level winner
  • Ashlynn Franklin, 5th Grade, Cypress Ridge Elementary School – grade level winner.