The Clermont Woman’s Club recently held a “Make A Difference Day”.  Snack items were collected from CWC members and distributed to two police departments the sheriff’s department, eight fire rescue stations and the Clermont Maintenance Department. Co-chairmen, Jackie Josten and Pam Schmitz, along with Connie Carlson and Donna Antoniotti, delivered the goodies. Christine Hoyt also helped in assembling the bowls of snacks. A CWC member said, “it’s our way of saying thank you and you do make a difference to our South Lake Community.  The Committee would also like to thank the members for their generous donations.  You can be sure they were appreciated by the recipients”. 

The Clermont Woman’s Club is a Federated Woman’s Club chartered in 1927.  It is a non-profit service organization and by fundraising throughout the year, they are able to support international, national and local charities.  They meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 12:30 pm at their clubhouse, 655 W Broome St. & 7th St., Clermont.  For information see