by Carol Walker – Clermont Garden Club 

The Clermont Garden Club held its End Of Year Luncheon and Member Recognition on Wednesday, May 18th, at the clubhouse at 849 West Avenue, Clermont. The luncheon was well attended. A great lunch was provided followed by the member recognition presentation. Arlene Rand, liaison between the Clermont Garden Club and the Florida Federation of Garden Club Inc., presented the awards.

Receiving these well-deserved awards were Pat Richardson-Grounds Chairperson and Master Gardner, got Lifetime Membership Award; Marilyn Paone – past president and Awards Coordinator, got Lifetime Membership Award; Debra Smidt- past president, Clubhouse Rental coordinator, got Honorary Award Membership; Helen Ribbe- coordinates CGC holiday gifts and floral arrangements to Assisted Living facilities, got Outstanding Awards Membership; Sue Randall – floral designer and member, got Outstanding Awards Membership. Arlene Rand was the presenter.

Cindy Simon- the current President, placed pins on each recipient. All of these recipients have served for years and dedicated their time, knowledge and expertise to the garden club.

At the luncheon, President Cindy Simon, also reminded attendees to (SAVE THE DATES) for our upcoming events:  1: GARDEN WALK- “A Harvest of Home Garden” to be held on Saturday, October 15th, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m, where the public get to tour neighboring homes with beautiful gardens and charming landscapes. And 2: Our PLANT SALE – to be held on Saturday, November 5th 2022, on our garden grounds, where a variety of plants and garden arts, etc. will be on sale. Everyone had a great time at the luncheon and was happy with the progress and direction the club is taking.

The goal of the Clermont Garden Club is the education of its members and the community in the relationship to horticulture, conservation, environmental needs and the art of floral design. Visit: for Clubhouse Rental and membership information