Clermont – This year, Clermont Police Department has been invited to participate in the annual Memorial Day Murph workout, hosted by Clermont CrossFit. The Murph is a staple in the physical fitness community.

The workout is named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy who was killed in action in Afghanistan on June 28th, 2005. Every year on Memorial Day weekend, gyms across the world perform this Hero workout, “Murph.” It is a workout that has become synonymous not only because of how difficult it is, but for what it represents. It is a workout designed to honor and remember the men and women of the Armed Forces that have lost their lives in defense of our freedom. 

Clermont CrossFit is locally owned and operated. Clermont CrossFit plans on focusing this year’s event on highlighting our local Veteran population and ways of increasing their adaptive physical fitness opportunities. 

This year, the event will be held at Clermont Victory Pointe here in the city. The official start time is still to be determined, traditionally the event runs in 1:30 heats, starting around 8:45 am. 

Below is a description of the workout. 

 As designed: 

Wearing a 20 pound vest: 

  • 1-mile run 
  • 100 pull-ups 
  • 200 push-ups 
  • 300 air squats 
  • 1-mile run 

To learn more or register, visit CrossFit