Supervisor of Elections, Alan Hays, is pleased to announce the implementation of BallotTrax, a complete mail ballot locator and notification system to enhance the vote-by-mail experience of Lake County voters.

The significance of BallotTrax for Lake Countians is an increase in voter confidence said Hays. “With BallotTrax, voters can track when their vote-by-mail ballot was mailed out from our office, when it was received by our office and even be alerted to issues such as signature verification or returned undeliverable. They can even sign up to receive notifications and alerts in time frames which are convenient for their life-style,” stated Hays.

The signup process is simple and secure with customizable notifications. The Supervisor of Elections Office encourages voters to take advantage of this resource tool for the peace of mind it offers for the mail-in process.

Voters can sign up today at

For election-related questions, please contact your trusted source of information, the Lake County Supervisor of Elections office at 352-343-9734.