Submitted by Diane Harrison

Take charge of your life in Clermont by advocating for your health and wellness. Read on for ways that you can begin to successfully advocate for your health today.

Become Your Own Advocate

The first way you can become your own advocate is by asking questions. You’re paying for the expertise of a professional, so don’t be afraid to question instruction and take notes. Prepare for your visit by researching beforehand and writing down questions you want to ask. Ask a trusted friend or family member to go with you for emotional support if needed.

Ensure you keep good records and submit forms requested by your provider early for faster service. You can fill out many forms online before your appointment by using a digital tool that allows you to complete forms and easily sign PDFs online to download and print or share. Ask your provider for copies of your medical records, including your labs, so you’ll have them to forward to any specialist you’re planning to see. 

Don’t forget to get a second opinion. If you’re not 100% comfortable with your provider’s recommendations, ask for a second opinion. Your insurance company’s website may list in-network specialists in your area. A search of the Internet will give you reviews from patients who’ve seen providers, which may help you choose.

Review your insurance and medical bills, too. Read your insurance policy so you’ll know what’s covered, what’s not, and any deductibles associated with upcoming medical care. In addition, the Affordable Care Act provides coverage for free preventive care for those who qualify. Scan your medical bills for errors and, if incorrect, dispute them. Some things to check are that the dates and services are accurate and that your bill is for in-network

Lifestyle Changes for Better Health

Another way to take control of your health in Clermont is by living a healthier lifestyle. Start by exercising more to maintain a healthy weight. A great way to get more exercise is to set a daily step goal, which you can track with many devices, including a smartwatch. If you work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or taking a walk on your lunch break will help you increase your steps. Also, a brisk walk first thing in the morning or during the cool of the evening is a refreshing way to move toward your goal. 

You can also eat better and avoid sugar. Fruits and vegetables are teeming with vitamins and nutrients that are good for your body. When in the grocery store, shop the outside perimeter, where you’ll find healthier food like lean meats and produce. Avoiding sugar will reduce your risk of tooth decay, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Finally, don’t forget to stay hydrated. Consuming enough water has multiple health benefits, including decreasing the work your heart does to pump blood to your muscles. Dehydration can lead to headaches and serious conditions, such as heat stroke. Once you’ve practiced the above lifestyle changes, they’ll become second nature and part of your routine. 

Advocating Successfully

Advocate for your health by keeping good records, asking questions, knowing your insurance, and making healthy lifestyle changes. 

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