From the Editor:

Before you Vote become An Educated Voter. Learn about the candidates, remembering, sometimes the popular candidate isn’t the best candidate.  

Importance of Civic Action and Public Service. The right of the voter to have his/his voice heard shouldn’t be taken for granted. Get your facts straight. Vote based on facts over opinions. And, hard as it may seem, cast your vote to benefit the good of the country. (Example: Lowering taxes may be something you’d like, but if taxes are cut or remain as is, will that affect services in your community? And remember, some problems are global issues and have nothing to do with your community. 

‘Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” John F. Kennedy

JFK challenged every American to contribute in some way to the public good. 

Our country is diverse and our responsibility is to vote for the good of all. 

Political ads aren’t the best way to learn about the candidates.  Many ads are biased and tug at emotions and beliefs rather than facts. Misinformation has become a BIG problem and the uneducated voter believes the ads. An ad filled with fear, hate and misinformation has no educational value.  Do your research. 

Don’t get caught up in the drama. Educate yourself on politics, the voting process, the candidates and the issues. When you vote, think about how your vote will ultimately affect you, the people around you, and our country. 

Our country is diverse and our responsibility is to vote for the good of all. 

Listen and explore different opinions on varying issues to learn why some people have different perspectives. 

Young Voters Need To Vote:  Voters ages 18-25 have the lowest voter turnout of any age group. However, many of the most important issues affect the young voter: school safety, guns in schools,  the role of the teacher in the classroom, the high price of pharmaceuticals and medical insurance, the cost of living, and most importantly, living in a Democracy.

Your vote can affect the whole country so make your vote count. Vote and Vote Smart.  

Important Dates to Remember

Oct. 24th-Nov. 5th–Early Voting

Oct. 29th–Last Day to Request a VBM Ballot

Nov. 8th-General Election

Let your voice be heard.  VOTE.

To learn more about voting, go to VOTE. Skip the lines at the polls and vote by mail. Request your VBM ballot by calling 352-343-9734.