Submitted by Minneola Charter’s Troupe  

Minneola Charter School’s Theatre Troupe presents “Once Upon A Mattress” on October 28 at 7 pm and October 29 at 1 pm and 7 pm. starring Joey Sheppard as Dauntless and Audrey Chausky as Winnifred!  The performances will be held at the Minneola Charter Theater, 320 E. Pearl St, Minneola.

Once Upon a Mattress is based on the story of The Princess and the Pea. The story revolves around a Prince who is not allowed to wed until his mother, Queen Aggravain, finds the “Perfect” girl for him. A Princess from the swamps shows up and the Prince falls in love. The Queen does not approve of said relationship and plans to sabotage their love. To do so she plants a pea underneath her mattress to make sure the princess does not sleep. The princess proves that she is royalty by not having a good night’s sleep and stays with the prince against the Queen’s wishes.

Buy tickets online using the QR code or at the door!

About us

We are an award-winning junior thespian troupe that competes across the state of Florida. We strive to learn and grow throughout the arts, and share our love of theatre!