Thanksgiving approaches on November 24th, it’s important to remember that some foods can be dangerous for pets. Veterinarian Jamie Freyer (DVM) shares her advice on safe food for pets during this holiday season: 
Safe alternatives:
  • Green beans (raw)
  • Carrots (unseasoned)
  • Lean Turkey (cooked, unseasoned)
  • Pumpkin
  • Apples
  • Corn (do not let them chew on the cob)
  • Sweet potatoes (No marshmallow)
Do not give: Bones/fat/skin, ham, stuffing, gravy, onions, garlic, desserts
Pancreatitis and “garbage intoxication” are very common after the holidays! Protect your pet by making sure only to feed them healthy items, and let your families know as well.” shares additional Thanksgiving pet safety tips, here