Submitted by The Clermont Historical Society

Kim Kahana Sr.; a world-famous stuntman, instructor, and Korean War Veteran; will be the guest speaker at the November 14th meeting of the Clermont Historical Society.  When listing Mr. Kahana’s accomplishments, it is difficult to know where to begin.  He has earned 6 different black belts and taught martial arts for over 50 years.  In his 40+ years as a stuntman he appeared in movies and television shows such as The Dirty Dozen, The Magnificent 7, Smokey and The Bandit, 28 episodes of Kung Fu, and 80 episodes of Guts Nickelodeon.  He also served on the Screen Actors Guild’s Safety Investigative Team and The Stunt Safety Community. Both of which indicate how respected he was in his field and how committed to the safety of his fellow stunt artist he was and still is.

In addition to this impressive array of credentials, Mr. Kahana is also the owner/operator of Stunt Actors Coordinators and Safety where he teaches his craft to aspiring stuntmen and women in Groveland.  After all those years in Hollywood, he chose to retire to South Lake County and share his talents here. 

If you would like to learn more about this interesting and talented man, come to the Clermont Historic Village, located at 490 West Ave., on Monday, November 14th at 7:00 PM.  Mr. Kahana will be speaking in the Train Depot, the first building on your right when you enter the Village parking lot.  Come early and attend the monthly Historical Society Meeting at 6 pm and bring a friend.