Submitted by the Kiwanis Club of Clermont 
Students through the 5th grade were recognized recently with a ceremony acknowledging their accomplishments. 
Terrific Kids is a Kiwanis-sponsored program that supports character building and recognizes students for modifying their behavior to become the best of who they are. 
Congratulations To Real Life Christian Academy Terrific Kids:
Jack Rogers, Peyton Lane, Aviraj Lall, Hannah Maddox, Ella Lehmann, Donald Maddy, Ryland Zielasko, Nyobe Koulesser, Eden Clark, Isabela Long, Lucy Folts, Jonathan Nolema, Kensley Duffy, Scarlett Pun 
A big thank you to Ritter’s Frozen Custard and Chick-fil-A for your continued support of our Terrific Kids program.
(Pictured L-R – Back Row: Bobbi Holmes, Thom Battisto and Joscelyn Hernandez