With the holiday season upon us and the end of 2022 fast approaching, we at Lake Apopka Natural Gas District (LANGD) are happy to say that this year was one to remember. From expanding our services to those who have wisely made the switch to natural gas, to providing excellent customer support and assisting customers in need through our Helping Hand fund, we wanted to take a look back at an incredible 2022 as we also prepare for what we hope will be an even bigger year in 2023.

In the spirit of giving thanks, we are grateful to have been honored with multiple awards this year that highlights our dedication to the safe and reliable delivery of natural gas. In 2022, we were awarded the American Public Gas Association (APGA) Safety Award for the 11th straight year, received the Geographic Information System (GIS) Gas Hero Award, the Special Achievement in GIS Award, and were found fully compliant with state and federal natural gas pipeline safety rules by the Florida Public Service Commission for the sixth year in a row. We were also the fourth-fastest growing municipally owned natural gas system in Florida and, in the last five years, we have grown by an amazing 38.5%.

We’re also proud to boast our highest-ever distinction – the APGA Gold System Overall Achievement Recognition (SOAR) Award – which recognizes excellence in the public operation and distribution of natural gas.

At LANGD, we don’t just take pride in our outstanding service – we also want to give back to the community that is our home. LANGD’s Helping Hand fund has helped us do just that. Continuing this partnership with Heart of Florida United Way, we have assisted over 65 customers in getting their gas turned back on and provided over $12,000 to customers who need it most. We welcome all employees, vendors, customers, and other community members to donate to the fund. To learn more, visit www.langd.org.

We understand that saving money is at the top of everyone’s wish list this holiday season. Did you know natural gas is twice as efficient as electricity and cheaper as a result? In fact, U.S. consumers save an average of more than $800 on energy bills each year by making the switch to natural gas. Think of all the extra gifts you could buy with those savings!

In addition to its cost-saving capabilities, natural gas also comes with several other benefits. By heating your water with a tankless water heater, for example, you can boost your energy efficiency by as much as 22%, according to Consumer Reports. Beyond heating comforts, items like natural gas fireplaces and outdoor gas lights make for a warm and inviting ambiance that everyone will enjoy – not just during the holidays, but year round.

Are you ready to make the switch to enjoy natural gas – the gift that keeps on giving? For more information on natural gas service for your home, business or vehicle, please contact the LANGD marketing team at (407) 656-2734 x307 or marketing@langd.org, or visit www.langd.org. Be sure to “like,” “follow” and “share” LANGD’s content on Facebook.