Tony McCoy; former football star, cancer survivor, football coach, small businessman, and preacher; was the featured speaker at the December meeting of the Clermont Historical Society.  The Orlando native spoke of his long-standing ties with Lake County—as a boy he often picked oranges in the groves in Clermont to earn extra money for the family—and of the success he believes God has given him as pastor of Hope International Church in Groveland.

Rev. McCoy graduated from Evans High School and the University of Florida and play professional football for 10 years before an injury cut short his career.  That was when he came to Lake County and started his church.  All the while, he had five core values that were at the center of all he did.  They are even the topic of a book he wrote and shared with those in attendance.  The values are do the right things, be a person of excellence, be a person of integrity, be a good steward, and avoid strife.  He then gave a hint of what may be the inspiration for his next book.  He says we should “walk with purpose” and be “anointed.”  You should be what “God created you to be.”  An anointed person is a builder who makes things/people better, a giver of hope, unconditional love & money, and someone who enjoys life.

Each one of us has a unique story.  That is our personal history.  The history of Clermont, of any city, is really the history, the story of the people who live there.  The Historical Society invites everyone to come to the Historic Village to experience the lives of those who built our community.  The Village is open every Saturday & Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM and during the week only by appointment.  A donation of $5.00 is requested for every visitor 12 and over.

If you are interested in the history of Clermont or history in general, why not consider joining the Historical Society and getting involved in the Historic Village which is located at 490 West Avenue and is open every Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM.  Annual dues are just $25 for an individual and $35 for a couple.  The Society meets on the second Monday of every month at 6:00 PM in the Train Depot with guest speakers at 7:00 PM as announced.  Meetings are open to the public.  The next meeting is Monday, January 9th.  Come join us!