Live Well Foundation of South Lake Board Chair Rodney Drawdy tours grantee Find Feed Restore with Brian Broadway and Live Well’s Executive Director Donna Kirtland.

Live Well Foundation of South Lake elected Rodney Drawdy as Chair at its November board meeting. Drawdy officially replaced Dr. Kasey Kesselring on January 1, 2023.

“Our goal at the Live Well Foundation of South Lake is to provide needed funds to local nonprofits for the health and wellness of the community now and well into the future,” notes Drawdy. His sentiments echo his commitment to service within the community.

Drawdy is a lifetime resident of South Lake County and has worked locally in the banking industry for the past 35 years. He currently serves as Senior Vice President and Senior Credit Administrator at SouthState Bank. Prior to joining the Live Well Foundation Board, Rodney served on the South Lake Hospital District Board for 8 years.

“The Live Well Foundation board of directors are honored to have long-time South Lake resident and leader as our new board chair,” said Live Well Foundation Executive Director, Donna Kirtland. “He brings a wealth of knowledge about our community and an eye for fiscal responsibility.”

The Live Well Foundation of South Lake is incredibly thankful for the leadership Dr. Kasey Kesselring has provided as Board Chair since the organization’s inception in 2018 and wish him well in his much-deserved retirement.

 About Live Well Foundation of South Lake

The Live Well Foundation of South Lake, established in 2019 as a 501(c)(3) and dedicated to inspiring sustainable initiatives that enhance the health and wellness of the South Lake community, aspires to attract, and fund much needed healthcare and healthy lifestyle programs to serve residents. Visit Live Well Foundation of South Lake online at for more information.