submitted by the South Lake Art League

South Lake Art League (SLAL) president Lisa Harris and show director Kathy Henderson announce that its Elementary School Art Show is now on display through February 5th at the South Lake Art Gallery, 776 West Montrose Street, downtown Clermont. The show has approximately 41 unique pieces of art being exhibited from Clermont area elementary schools.

The League is very excited to have Clermont Elementary participating with the help of Dr. Alynne Solway, the pre-K teacher at Clermont Elementary and Patti Commerford the art teacher. The CES students are certainly wonderful little artists as are all our entries.

Jennifer Waalewyn teaches art at Minneola Charter School, kindergarten through 5th grade. Her students have done some James Rizzi art in watercolor, overlapping warm and cool colors on leaves and some Highwaymen art in acrylic. Thirty of her fifth graders will be displaying their art at the upcoming Highwayman show in Tavares from February 3rd through March.

Emily Carlson has been the art teacher at Lost Lake Elementary for six years. Emily has given her fifth-grade students free choice of ambiguous words to use in their own inventive art pieces in watercolor, pastel, colored pencil and acrylic.

Tracy McCoy is the art and elementary school teacher of 1st through 6th graders at South Lake Montessori. Her students have studied famous art pieces and duplicated them using acrylic, pastel and watercolor, and their very own creativity.

The SLAL is grateful to these wonderful teachers for sharing their student’s art and the league invites the community to come into the gallery to view and appreciate the art of these talented young artists.

The next show at the South Lake Art League Gallery will be the photo show beginning March 4th.  Registrations can be found on the website or in the gallery.

South Lake Art League was established in 1966 to encourage and promote all forms of art and appreciation throughout the area. Please visit our website at

For further information please contact Kathy Henderson at 407-719-2815 or