The Florida Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office announces a new logo and brand identity. A new look and feel will better encompass what the Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office does and the significant positive impact we have on abused and neglected children we represent in the courtroom and their communities across Florida.

The new logo is the letter G, with an exterior outline forming a shield shape to represent guardianship. The open area of the G is fashioned from a heart shape, mirrored in the bar. The yellow abstractly symbolizes the State of Florida.

“Although we will have a new brand, our values and focus will not change. We are pivoting to something greater,” said Dennis Moore, Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office Executive Director. “Our new brand, associated only with Florida, will help us reach more people and partners. The new identity will now incorporate all aspects of what the Statewide Florida Guardian ad Litem Office does, including the independent legal representation of abused and neglected children.”

Every child in Florida appointed to the Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office is assigned a Guardian ad Litem Attorney as part of their multi-disciplinary team, providing zealous independent advocacy and undivided loyalty to the child.

“Florida has become a leader in child welfare representation across the country, with proven outcomes based on data and evidence. The new branding will allow us to communicate our efforts better and help others understand who we are and what we do, said Dennis Moore, Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office Executive Director. “It takes teamwork to get the gold-standard results Florida has obtained. A team consisting of a Guardian ad Litem Attorney, a child welfare professional, and hopefully a Guardian ad Litem trained volunteer from that child’s community.”


About the Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office: The Florida Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office represents Florida’s abused, abandoned, and neglected children in the courtroom and community. Through the collaboration of a multi-disciplinary team, our team provides quality legal representation for children’s legal interests while assisting the child in expressing their needs and wishes. Our unique approach allows us to support the whole child, addressing their physical, educational, mental, emotional, social, and legal needs. In 2021, the Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office represented over 37,000 children in Florida.