Vista Clinical has recently opened in Clermont and on March 23, they welcomed the community to an open house.

Clermont Mayor Tim Murry welcome the new business to the community and The South Lake Chamber of Commerce officiated at the ribbon cutting.

Services include on-site specimen collection and fast turnaround times with the results accessed via the Laboratory Information System allowing online retrieval 24/7 and ensuring optimum HIPAA compliancy.

Founder and Owner Davian Santana joined the United States Navy after graduating high school. His academic excellence at the Naval School of Health Sciences enabled Santana to become an advanced medical laboratory technician and, later, a medical technologist. After being honorably discharged from the Navy, Santana worked at an Alabama hospital for a few years, before relocating to Florida. There he worked for Beckman Coulter, installing and validating medical equipment. With over 15 years of firsthand experience and secured relationships in the industry, Santana ensures the highest quality in patient care and client services.

Vista Clinical Clermont is located at 3705 S. Highway 27, Ste. 102Clermont.  Visit the clinic M-F from 7 am to 3:30 pm, call 352-254-5245or visit the website: Vista Clinical

(photos furnished by the South Lake Chamber of Commerce)