by Rebecca Mendoza and Donna DiGennaro, Photographs from Rebecca Mendoza and Chuck Heddon

Come to the Clermont Historic Village Monday evening, April 10th at 7:00 PM to learn about the Heddon-Stokes connection and the history and testing of Heddon Fishing Tackle that occurred right here in Mohawk, Florida.  Heddon & Stokes are pictured above pulling the bass out of a local lake.

“Heddon Fishing Lures and the Jolly Palms” will be presented by Rebecca Stokes Mendoza and Chuck Heddon, grandchildren of WT and Harry at the monthly meeting of the Clermont Historical Society.

The Clermont Historic Village is located at 490 West Avenue just a few short blocks from the downtown shopping district and is open to the public every Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM.  A donation of $5.00 per person over 12 is requested to tour the buildings.  In addition to the 1925 train depot where the meeting will be held on the 10th, the Village is home to two 19th-century homes, the original Cooper Memorial Library, a World War II Quonset hut and several replicas of early Clermont buildings.  All the buildings are open to tour either at your own pace using push buttons in each building or with a tour guide.

If you are interested in the history of Clermont in particular or history in general, why not consider joining the Historical Society?  Annual membership is only $25.00 per person or $35.00 for a couple.  We are always interested in having new people as tour guides and it is not necessary to be a member to be a guide.

Don’t forget, Monday, April 10th at 7:00 PM for an interesting presentation by two individuals who will be discussing not just fishing but also their family histories.