The Mayor and City Council will consider placing a question on the November 7, 2023, ballot. The issue is the length of terms for the City Council Members. Currently, terms of office are 2-year staggered, meaning three council members are elected in even years, and two council members are elected in odd years. There is an election every year.

Ordinance No. 2023-014 was introduced at the Clermont City Council Meeting Tuesday, April 11, and will be voted on at the April 25 meeting. This ordinance proposes changing the term length for Council Members from two to four years.

At the final hearing on April 25, the question would be placed on the November 7, 2023, ballot for Clermont voters to decide.

Currently, it costs the city approximately $50,000 to hold odd-year elections, as there are no other county, state, or federal elections. By changing to elections every two years on even years, the city will no longer have the costs of running its own elections.

If voters agree, the transition to 4-year terms would begin with the 2024 election of Seats 1, 3, and 5. Seats 2 and 4 would be elected to a 1-year term in 2025 and a 4-year term in 2026.