Photos and Article by Chuck Seaver, SOUTH LAKE TABLET
The Clermont High School, Hilltoppers and Highlanders, 31st Annual All Class Reunion was held at the First United Methodist Church, Wesley Center, on Saturday, April 29th in Clermont.
Pictured: Chuck Seaver and Dorothy Heath Dykes
The reunion this year was a sellout with 300 alumni attending the annual tradition that also recognized the class of 1973’s 50-year graduation mark. The class of 1948’s Eileen Bowen was recognized as the alumni’s longest-tenured attendee at the golden age of 92. Margaret Weaver, class of 1973, Anchorage, Alaska was recognized as the farthest traveled. 
Pictured: Toni Bell, Susie Meade and Alfred Gordon
The Clermont High School Scholarship committee recognized and awarded three local graduating high school seniors with scholarships this year. Recipients are selected based on several academic factors, including the requirement that they be related to former Clermont High School graduates.
High School Senior Scholarship Recipients with families
This year’s beneficiaries are Lindi Petty, a South Lake High School graduate that will be attending Lake-Sumter State College and pursuing a career in radiology. Breanna Peinne, an East Ridge High School graduate that will be attending Lake-Sumter State College and pursuing a career in physical therapy. And Allison Hager, a South Lake High School graduate that will be attending Florida International University and pursuing a career in clinical sociology. 
The scholarship fund has awarded thirteen $1,000.00 scholarships to deserving students since its inception. 
Pictured: Jay Ray Judy, Rob Black and Harold Cummings
Carle and Wendy (Campbell) Bishop, Kim Modesitte, Michael and Barbara Cox.
Some of the Clermont High School Alumni
Visit www.clermonthsalumni for further information.