Members of Beta Theta-ESA visited Building Blocks Ministries to present a check to Dr. Paula Whetro, Executive Director.

Pictured L-R: Beta Theta members Toni Bell, Michelle Delaney and Building Blocks Ministries Exec utive Director Dr. Paula Whetro,

“The visit to Building Blocks Ministries was warm and welcoming and the kids were awesome.  I have presented a lot of checks over the years but the donation given to these kids” was totally heartwarming,  said Beta Theta President Michelle Delaney.

Building Blocks Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that builds lives by encouraging others to dream, empowering them to believe in themselves and engaging them in the community to achieve their dreams. 

Building Blocks Ministries offers a Day Training Program, an Adult Care Food Program, Transportation, and Cast Management. 

Dr. Paula Whetro envisions full inclusion and participation of individuals with developmental disabilities in all aspects of the community. Having an adult daughter with developmental disabilities connects Dr. Whetro to her work.

She earned a PhD in Clinical Christian Counseling in 2005 and began working in the field of developmental disabilities as a waiver support coordinator. While in this work, she discovered the need for a training program that would encourage adults with developmental disabilities to dream, empower them to believe in themselves and engage them in the community where they can achieve their dreams. Building Blocks Ministries emerged as a place that focuses on “building lives”.

Being dedicated to the nonprofit sector Dr. Whetro completed UCF Center for Public and Nonprofit Management Strengthening Communities in Central Florida Program, Rollins College Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership Center Leadership Practice Course and is also a member of the 2015 Leadership Lake Class.


Building Blocks Ministries is “Empowering adults with developmental disabilities to dream, believe in themselves and engage in training designed to support individual achievements”, said Dr. Whetro.


Learn more, visit website: BUILDINGBLOCKS. It’s located at 548 S Hwy 27 C, Minneola, FL 3471 Phone: (352) 536-9264.