“CLERMONT: From Gem Of The Hills to Choice Of Champions” is a book compiled and edited by Doris Bloodsworth and past/present members of the Cooper Memorial Library Association. It’s a great read and an awesome gift.

Clermont: Gem of the Hills 1884-1984

Approximately 40 years ago, when Miriam Johnson and Rosemary Young decided to write a book as part of Clermont’s 100thanniversary of its 1884 founding. Published in 1984, Clermont: Gem of the Hills, a History of Clermont, Florida, and Neighboring Communities, would become a favorite of local historians.

Young and her father were very active in the Chamber of Commerce. Johnson, a member of the Centennial Planning Committee, the South Lake and Lake County Historical Societies, spent countless hours with a trusty tape recorder in hand, researching South Lake Press archives, later transcribing her notes on a typewriter. While interviewing locals with deep roots and interesting stories, the thrifty historian also used the back of lined notebook paper ad sheets!

There were earlier, brief writings of Clermont’s history, but nothing as comprehensive as what Johnson and Young had in mind. Their collaborative effort was quite a feat in the age before computers and the internet, said Doris Bloodsworth, the editor and contributing writer and member of the Cooper Memorial Library Board Association

Unfortunately, the original manuscript and printing plates were purged by the publisher, so the Cooper Memorial Library Board Association took on the task of retyping 300+ pages, and locating 200+ photographs to sponsor a GEM revision with chapters spanning events after 1974. The late Ann Dupee, a Library Board member, former South Lake Press owner, and Beta Theta Chapter member, provided resources for the book.

“Clermont: From Gem of the Hills to Choice of Champions,spans the Ice Age through the first Native Americans, to the founders of modern-day Clermont and the years leading up to 2019. There are hundreds of rare photos, and the book includes stories and history that are published for the first time. 

Clermont: From Gem of the Hills to Choice of Champions, is one of the top-selling books at the Sunshine Book Company.

All proceeds from the sale of the books benefit The Cooper Memorial Library. 

On Wednesday, June 14, the book will be available at the Boozy Book Fair from 6 pm to 8 pm at Clermont Brewing Company (750 West DeSoto Street).

If you can’t attend the book fair, visit  Sunshine Book Company at 647 Lake Avenue, Clermont to purchase a book. It can also be purchased at Cooper Memorial Library.

