Members of the  South Lake High School Eagle Football Team got together recently to help ‘Love Groveland’ feed and help the needy in the Groveland area.  

‘Love Groveland’ is a community program, that provides hot meals and a small food pantry for the homeless, endangered families and children, veterans, and anyone in need in the South Lake community.  

Through in-kind donations and volunteer support, Love Groveland provides over 2,000 meals weekly to those in need.

“Love Groveland’ is located at the First Baptist Church, 137 E. Cherry St., Groveland. Contact number: (352) 429-2651

For more information or to join Love Groveland’s mission, visit their website or Facebook page.

What a great way for the Eagles to help the community.  

Support the SLHS Eagles and cheer them on this fall.