Audrey Davis and Chuck Seaver

One of the things Audrey Davis, an intern at the South Lake Tablet, wants to learn more about is her community. 

No better place to start learning than at a meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Clermont, an organization that has been in existence for close to 100 years. During its many years of community service, the Kiwanis Club of Clermont has devoted its time and energy to serving the children across South Lake County.

Audrey attended its weekly meeting at the Green Valley Country Club (14601 Green Valley Blvd., Clermont) where she met President Chuck Seaver, Secretary Thom Battisto, Treasurer Kathy Scherer, and Bobbi Holmes, the Kiwanian in charge of Recognition, as well as the many friendly members attended the meeting.

Audrey also met Sunny, Read to Sydney’s main advocate and therapy dog, who is also a proud honorary Kiwanian.

During the meeting, Trish Kry, the executive director of Neighborhood Center of South Lake (FNC) and a Kiwanian graciously accepted a check in support of the FNC summer program. The Kiwanis summer fundraising campaign raised $7,000 for the FNC School Break Feeding Program. Trish provided a heartfelt thank you, stating, “The continued partnership has strengthened our efforts to create positive change and uplift the lives of those in need. We are proud to be associated with an organization that shares our passion for making the world a better place.” 

One of the Kiwanis Club of Clermont’s main fundraisers is “Light Up Center Lake”, an event that takes an entire year to prepare for.  Sponsorship letters will be sent out soon. The displays are being rewired and changed to LED lighting. Sponsorships and donations are appreciated.

The Kiwanis Club of Clermont meets every Tuesday at 11:30 am, meetings start at 11:45 am. The exception is the third Tuesday meeting of the month which is an evening meeting starting at 6:00 pm

Guest speakers are invited to the weekly meetings to share information about organizations, happenings, events and interesting topics.

Newcomers and visitors are welcome to join the meetings. To learn more, visit: