submitted by the Lake Apopka Natural Gas District (LANGD)
Lake Apopka Natural Gas District (LANGD) was recently selected to receive a federal grant in the amount of $3,125,028 to make system pipeline improvements to cities in our coverage area. The grant was awarded by the Department of Transportation’s Pipeline Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).
As part of this grant, we are required to inform city residents of our public awareness program plans. Our plan requires the residents to understand pipeline safety operations before, during, and after the final closure of site excavation restoration for the project. LANGD will be holding a meeting to discuss our PHMSA grant. The meeting will be held at the Apopka City Hall on Thursday, August 24, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber Room located at 120 East Main Street, Apopka, FL 32703.
The objectives of this public awareness plan are to raise awareness of the effects of the projects in Zellwood, Plymouth, and Apopka on businesses, governmental entities, schools, and transportation. Stakeholders near natural gas pipelines in our communities will increase their understanding of the role of construction right of way, construction permitting, and easement issues for pipelines.
A more informed public will aid in Lake Apopka Natural Gas District’s safety measures and contribute to reducing the likelihood and potential impact of emergencies, traffic delays, incidents, and damaged facilities.