Tropical Storm Idalia
Monday, 8/28/23 at 3 p.m.
Lake County is under a tropical storm warning in advance of Tropical Storm Idalia.
- TS Idalia remains a very unpredictable storm that is forecast to become a major hurricane with landfall expected between Tallahassee and Tampa early Wednesday (August 30).
- Currently, the storm is tracking north of Lake County, but we will likely experience potentially damaging winds, 1 to 3 inches of rain and possible isolated tornadoes.
- NOW is the time to complete storm preparations for your family and your home/business. Collect water, non-perishable foods and any medications for your family and your pets. Secure outside items including boats, patio furniture and garbage cans.
- Sandbags are available in Clermont at West Park, 658 12th Street until 6 p.m. Monday and on Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Visit for other Lake County sandbag locations.
- City services and facilities will remain open and operational on Tuesday, August 29.
- Please monitor the City’s website and social media pages for updates.
For more information visit:
- Lake County Emergency Operations
- https://www.lake.k12/
General Storm Information
A WATCH is issued with the impacts of a tropical storm are possible, usually within 48 hours.
A WARNING is issued when the impacts of a tropical storm are expected in 36 hours or less.
A tropical storm is a tropical cyclone with winds of 39 to 73 mph or higher. Storm surge, coastal flooding and/or river flooding may also occur.
A tropical storm becomes a hurricane when sustained winds reach 74 mph.
- Category 1: 74 – 95 mph
- Category 2: 96 – 110 mph
- Category 3: 111- 129 mpg
- Category 4: 130 – 156 mph
- Category 5: 157 mph and higher