Clermont will carry on the local tradition of honoring those who were killed during the terrorist attack in 2001. The ceremony will be held Monday, Sept. 11 at 10 am at the Clermont Arts and Recreation Center, 3700 South Highway 27.

Clermont Police Chief Charles Broadway, a former New York City Police detective who responded to Ground Zero and assisted with search and recovery efforts, and Clermont Police Chaplain Mike Saxe, a retired New York City Police officer and 9/11 first responder, will lead the program with Clermont Fire Chief David Ezell.

Guest speakers who were personally touched by the tragedy, including the mother of a passenger on the high-jacked Flight 93 who helped stop the terrorist and an NYPD officer who immediately responded and assisted with initial search efforts at the World Trade Center, will share their thoughts and memories.

“We lost 466 first responders who were also siblings, uncles, aunts, co-workers and best friends that day. Those first responders ran into danger toward evil that day and did their part to save countless people and that is what first responders do every single day,” said Clermont Police Chief Charles Broadway, adding a reminder of the countless others who have since died from their injuries and toxic exposure that day.

“This annual ceremony is important to our Clermont community and we must always remember those firefighters, police officers, emergency medical technicians and military service members who gave their lives that day,” Clermont Fire Chief David Ezell said. “We have to make sure their legacy is honored and that each new generation – of first responders and others – understand the significant sacrifice.”

Clermont’s Public Safety Fire and Police Honor Guard, U.S. Naval Sea Cadets and the Retired Public Safety City of Mount Dora Pipes and Drums Team will present colors. Memorial traditions including the ringing of a ceremonial fire bell, a 21-gun salute and playing “Taps” will also be observed. Outside, the Clermont Police Department 9/11 memorial vehicle will be displayed, and a giant American flag will fly high from the top of a Clermont Fire truck. Sonny’s BBQ of Clermont is sponsoring a reception immediately following the ceremony.