Staci Mauro

The American Geographical Society (AGS) has named Staci Mauro of Lake Minneola High School in Lake County as a 2023 AGS Geography Teacher Fellow. Teachers were selected from across the United States and will receive special opportunities to support their teaching activities for the year. Mrs. Mauro is one of forty-two teachers selected from across the United States to participate in this sixth year of the initiative.

Mauro teaches Advanced Placement (AP) Human Geography in Lake County, Florida. As part of the award, Mauro will attend the AGS Fall Symposium on November 16 & 17, at Columbia University in New York City. The Symposium provides Teacher Fellows with the opportunity to interact with geography and geospatial leaders from across the country, as well as receive professional training in geography and geospatial technology tools.

“It is a tremendous honor for AGS to name Mauro as a 2023 AGS Geography Teacher Fellow. Mauro joins an exclusive group of the finest geography teachers in the United States,” said Dr. John Konarski, CEO of the American Geographical Society. “We are looking forward to welcoming and working with her and the other AGS Geography Teacher Fellows in New York City this November,” he added.

Geography 2050 is the most important and widely recognized geographical/geospatial event in North America during the fall semester. CEOs and senior executives from preeminent geospatial companies along with leading experts and representatives from government, not-for-profits, and academia attend the AGS Fall Symposium. The AGS Geography Teacher Fellow initiative has been made possible by generous support from the Melamid Teacher Fellow Workshop Endowment and AGS Corporate Angels, whose contributions enable resources for teacher professional development throughout the year.

The American Geographical Society (AGS) is a 21st-century learning society dedicated to the advancement of geographic thinking, knowledge, and understanding across business, government, academe, social sectors, and most importantly with teachers and students. Established in 1851, AGS is the oldest professional geographical organization in the United States. It is recognized worldwide as a pioneer in geographical research and education for over 166 years. The mission of AGS is to advance and promote geography in business, government, science, and education. Our goal is to enhance the nation’s geographic literacy so as to engender sound public policy, national security, and human well-being worldwide. AGS seeks to engage the American public, from its youngest to its oldest citizens, with new and amazing ways to understand and characterize our changing world. The Society maintains its headquarters in New York City.