Building Blocks Ministries’ Adult Day Training Program needs empty rinsed aluminum cans to support their “Cans for Cash” project. Your empty bag of cans can make an impact in the lives of adults with developmental disabilities, and those in our community who are facing food insecurity. It really is this simple, bags of crushed cans bring in cash. 

The project provides opportunities for; socialization and team building, as individuals in the Community Involvement Class work together to crush and bag the cans, visit a local recycling center, create a budget and shopping list, shop in the community, make purchases with cash, learning how to make donations to a local food pantry, and volunteering in the community. 

The items purchased with the cash from the cans are donated to the Neighborhood Center of South Lake where individuals in the Community Involvement class volunteer each week. Just in the last two months the project has brought in over $34.00 and allowed for 56 canned or boxed food items to be donated to the pantry. With the help of our community, we know the project can make an even bigger impact. We ask that you consider helping your neighbors by dropping your cans off to Building Blocks Ministries instead of dropping them in your trash or recycling bin. 

All rinsed and bagged aluminum beverage cans can be dropped off at Building Blocks Ministries, 548 S. Highway 27, Suite C, Minneola in the Trailside Plaza. Hours of operation are from 8:30 AM – 4 PM Monday through Friday. Bags of cans can also be left by the door afterhours. 

Building Blocks Ministries has been serving the community since 2006 providing a Day Training Program that includes Transportation and a Lunch Program. Building Blocks Ministries is a FL Medicaid Waiver Provider and an approved provider of the Adult Care Food Program. Private payment is also accepted for services. For enrollment information please contact Coretta Daniels, Program Director at 352-536-9264 or by email at To learn more about Building Blocks please visit the website and follow us on Facebook