November 2023

Hello Clermont Champions,

The last several weeks have been very busy and the holidays are just around the corner. I feel fortunate to have been part of so many great events including the annual Taste of South Lake, the ribbon-cutting ceremony for The View at Clermont National, our Veterans Day program and the kickoff for Light Up Clermont with the opening of the Enchanted Forest at Victory Pointe.

Holiday celebrations continue downtown on Dec. 1 with the lighting ceremony followed by the parade on Dec. 2 and Cookies & Cocoa on Dec. 8.

I was also proud to host the November meeting for the Florida League of Mayors (FLM) at Waterfront Park and provide a true Clermont welcome complete with breakfast! We were joined by FLM President and Coral Springs Mayor Scott Brook, FLM Executive Director Scott Dudley and mayors from seven Florida cities, near and far.

At our November 14th City Council meeting, we celebrated incoming Council Member Chandra Myers, returning Council Member Jim Purvis and offered our sincere appreciation to outgoing Council Member Ebo Entsuah.

And it finally happened…Costco is open in Clermont! This has been, by far, the most anticipated opening we have ever seen. I was pleased to be at the Grand Opening and believe this is a great addition for our retail community.

Construction on our Streetscape 3 project was wrapped up for the holidays on schedule and

W. Montrose Street is completely opened. Our contractor will return in early January to complete the final section of 7th Street between W. Montrose and W. Minneola. We appreciate the continued support of our downtown business partners as we finalize this improvement project.

“Lunch with the Mayor” continues the first Tuesday of each month. December 5 we will meet at the Suncreek Brewery and Jan. 2 at Piesanos. If your schedule allows, I hope you will join us.

As we prepare to spend time with friends and family and enjoy holiday traditions, I believe it is important for all of us to pause and remember all the ways we are blessed. I am thankful for the opportunity to come back to the community where I grew up and serve as your Mayor.

Thank you for your continued support as we come together to celebrate our accomplishments and continue to improve things here in Clermont. As always, you can reach me at

Until next time,

Mayor Tim Murry