Clermont Council members and City Manager pays tribute to Ray Goodgame. Goodgame's wife Judy and daughter Lisa Skul proudly accept a plaque and proclamation from the city.

A special tribute to the memory of the late Clermont City Council Member Ray Goodgame was given by the city at the council meeting on August 13. Clermont Mayor Gail Ash, Clermont City Council, and City Manager Darren Gray praised the dedication that the late Goodgame exhibited to his beloved Clermont and presented a proclamation and plaque to Goodgame’s wife Judy. His daughter Lisa Skul proudly looked on.

Ray Goodgame – Thank you for your service.

Ray Goodgame, 85, served for 15 years on Seat 2 and lived in Kings Ridge for 17 years. He was recently nominated for the Florida League of Cities’ “E. Harris Drew” Municipal Official Lifetime Achievement Award. He passed away on July 28.

Among his achievements, Goodgame served as the past chairman of the Lake-Sumter Metropolitan Planning Organization, past president of the Clermont Historical Society, a board member and liaison of the Cooper Memorial Library Association, a board member of the Community Foundation of South Lake, and a member of the South Lake Transportation Task Force, West Orange-South Lake Transportation and Economic Development Task Force, South Lake Chamber of Commerce, Clermont Kiwanis Club and Lions Club. He also served on the Tourism Development Council and on the Firefighters Pension Board of Trustees. A big proponent of affordable housing for seniors, Goodgame worked closely with New Beginnings, as well as advocated for city involvement in a Feed Clermont program for hungry citizens.

For further information, see RAY GOODGAME REMEMBERED