On August 13, Clermont City Council appointed former Council Member Keith Mullins to temporarily serve on seat#2 vacated by the late Ray Goodgame. Mullins will serve on the council until the winner of the November 5, General Municipal Election takes office. Running for Seat 2  – Joe Gustafson and James (Jim) Purvis

“We appreciate Mr. Mullins stepping in to help,” Clermont Mayor Gail Ash said. “This will allow us to take care of pressing city business without a learning curve because he sat on the council before.”

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Mullins served from 1999-2017 on Seat 4, was on the Planning & Zoning Board prior to that, and has lived in Clermont since 1988. He opened the retail wine store Bacchus Vino Etcetera in 2004 in Downtown Clermont. He’s also the current treasurer and past president of the South Lake Kiwanis Club; treasurer of the Clermont Downtown Partnership; and a board member of the South Lake Animal League.

“I am pleased and honored to be able to serve Clermont during this transitional time until a new council member can be seated,” Mullins said. “It’s exciting to see projects we started a couple of years ago finally coming to completion.”

Other candidates considered for the temporary position were Tim Murry, Tony Hubbard, Libby Hanna, Michelle Pines and Paula Hoisington. Jim Purvis and Ebo Entsuah were also considered but are currently running for city council in the upcoming election.

Goodgame served the citizens of Clermont for 15 years in Seat 2. He passed away on July 28 at 85. His current term was set to expire in November. “If a vacancy for Seats 1, 2, 4 or 5 occurs within a six-month period prior to a general election, the council shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy until the general election at which time the seat will be up for election,” according to the City Charter.

Clermont City Council seat terms are for two years and are staggered with Seats 1, 3 and 5 up for election in even years and Seats 2 and 4 in odd years. Election Qualifying closed on June 21 for Seats 2 and 4.

The City of Clermont Election Qualifying was closed at 12-noon on Friday, June 21 for Seats 2 and 4.

The following have officially qualified for the Clermont City Council:    

Seat 2
Joe Gustafson
James (Jim) Purvis

Seat 4
Heidi L. Brishke
Ebo Entsuah

VOTE November 5!