The First Responders Relief Fund was recently launched to provide much-needed relief to first responders through advocacy, research, outreach, and education.

At the October 18 Chamber Breakfast, Chamber Board Member, Jim Hamilton the mission of the First Responders Relief Fund and the relief they are currently providing. Hamilton and his team have been making trips to the Bahamas to survey the damage sustained by Hurricane Dorian and to help reestablish first response efforts.

First Responders Relief is providing much-needed relief to first responders and their facilities in the Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian decimated the island with Category 5 strength winds by
• Assessing each department’s damage and needs
• Completing a full assessment and determine priority
• Rebuilding damaged buildings with volunteers
• Replacing and deliver needed equipment destroyed by a hurricane
• Completing fire and rescue training
• Offering mental health counseling to first responders and families

With the help of volunteers, they are rebuilding any damaged buildings, replacing and delivering needed equipment and with the help of mental health professionals, offering mental health counseling to first responders and their families.

You can learn more about the fund at and