Feature Story & Photos By Larry H. Oskin

With deep respect, Clermont celebrated Wreaths Across America to remember, honor and teach about our veterans and our proud American history. Every year since 2008, Congress has proclaimed a Saturday in December as National Wreaths Across America Day. At 11:35 AM on Saturday, December 14, Clermont coordinated our local holiday season wreath-laying event here at Oak Hill Cemetery with the same event at Arlington National Cemetery and thousands of other cemeteries across America in all 50 states.

Remembering The Fallen Heroes! Eileen Scates, current President and Trish Gardner, the immediate Past President of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 55 –FL0236P of Clermont coordinated this local event with their team of volunteers. Everyone first gathered to collect their remembrance wreaths before placing them on the Oak Hill Cemetery graves to remember and honor our veterans and all of our country’s fallen heroes. With a series of formal presentations by boy scouts, girl scouts and two-color guards as well as Prisoner of War and flag presentations, a special song and ceremonial taps, our current military and war veterans with their families and friends paid respectful homage.

The Oak Hill, Clermont Story: Trish Gardner notes, “In 2016, I was leaving the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell when I realized I was doing this all wrong and I needed to start Honoring all of our hometown heroes. My Army Sargent Sophie Champoux is buried in the very back south corner of Oak Hill Cemetery. Her mom wanted to keep her close by to where she grew up. I realized there were so many other Gold Star Families that had that same need and that their heroes needed to be honored. That inspiration is how Wreaths Across America in South Lake began. 2 cemeteries with Oak Hill and Montverde, by first honoring 456 Veterans in 2017.”

Gardner adds, “We added 3 local cemeteries this year. We are placing wreaths at 9 area cemeteries honoring over 1000 local Veterans. It is an honor and privilege to do so. Every volunteer gives freely of their time all year. There is no government funding for this annual tradition. This event was the cumulation of a year-long fundraising initiative by 6 local fundraising groups, caring individuals and small business sponsors. Each wreath is sponsored by the passion and love of our Veterans. Next year, we hope to include many other local cemeteries. It warms my heart that each Veteran is passionately remembered. Our children are taught the value of freedom as well as the importance of our veterans’ sacrifices at each WAA ceremony.”

Wreath Across America – Clermont

Wreaths Across America: For more information about this coming year’s local events, to sign up to be a volunteer or to sponsor a wreath, please visit: www.facebook.com/WAAOakhillClermont, call Trish Gardner at 877-385-9504 EXT: 609 or email her at TGardner@WreathsAcrossAmerica.org. You can also visit www.wreathsacrossamerica.org for information on the national program. Like them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/WAAHQ, contact them at 877-385-9504 or at info@wreathsacrossamerica.org.


EDITORIAL NOTE: Larry Oskin is a writer and photographer for the South Lake Tablet. He is the owner of Marketing Solutions / Art Beautique, offering creative marketing, media relations and professional fine art photography services. He is a Board Member of the Clermont Downtown Partnership, the Florida Lakes Symphony Orchestra and the Clermont Historic Society. For more information, contact Oskin at 703-508-6800 or at LOskin@MktgSols.com. .com.