( L to R ) The stars of Squadron 534. William McCarthy, Emily Lininger, Micaela Mazenko, and Mateo Colmenero

Articles and Photos by Ted Luebbers

The Florida Aviation Network paid a visit to the Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 534 at the Leesburg International Airport in Leesburg, Florida on January 30, 2021 to shoot a television show about their aviation youth program, Squadron 534.

Television anchor, Joel Hargis interviews all the Squadron 534 members and adult mentors who have worked on the recently donated Zenith 701 aircraft.

The Florida Aviation Network is a satellite broadcast system that promotes aviation and aviation safety through the efforts of the National Aviation Safety Foundation. Their television programming is open and free to the public and can be viewed on YouTube with your television and computer links.

The reason for the visit to EAA Chapter 534 was to feature their aviation youth program, Squadron 534.

Joel Hargis, the host of the show and TV anchor, interviewed John Weber, Squadron 534 aviation youth director; Steve Tilford, chapter president; as well as several of the Squadron 534 members and their chapter mentors.

Five different aircraft repair and building projects were shown and the young people described what they did to help get these airplanes to flying status. Their project leaders and mentors also discussed how the youth members participated and gave some insights as to what remains to be done.

Two of the Squadron 534 members, William McCarthy and Mateo Colmenero, have gone on to become $ 10,000 Ray Aviation Scholarship recipients.  They describe what that meant to them and what their aspirations are for the future.

Florida Aviation Network shoots a TV show at EAA Chapter 534.

The video was filmed at the EAA Chapter hangar so you get to see in the background the planes they are working on and understand the cooperation needed between the young people and their chapter mentors in order to complete their tasks.

To view this video, go to YouTube on your television set.  Using your WiFi system to navigate YouTube, look for their search engine in the upper left-hand corner of your picture and type in, Florida Aviation Network. When that comes up, look for the program “Teaching Youth Aviation-Squadron 534” and click on it. The URL address is : < https://youtu.be/7TsJg-YEPBs >.

You will find this program interesting to watch and it is the hope of both EAA Chapter 534 and Florida Aviation Network this will inspire other chapters and organizations to become active in teaching more kids about general aviation.