Pastfinders of South Lake County

Pastfinders of South Lake County is a genealogical society. In the 1980s a group of Clermont residents took classes on Genealogy and found it extremely exciting.  They wanted to pass on the knowledge they had to others. They decided to form a local society that would help teach the art and the science of building a family tree. For the past 31 years, Pastfinders of South Lake County Genealogical Society has been assisting, teaching, and educating the general public through devoted volunteers who love to help others learn their family lineage. They are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose genealogical programs are free to the public and, since COVID-19, are available virtually.

Cooper Memorial Library has a room on the second floor that houses the books, materials and computers used to do research.  Library patrons have free access to,, and  Due to COVID-19, only a few people are allowed in the room at one time, but you can search some of these sites from home using your library card at

 According to only about 10% of all records are digitized and available online.  Cooper Library houses over 1,700 genealogical reference books that may help you find ancestors from around the world.  Pastfinders of South Lake County Genealogical Society conduct classes in starting, continuing and organizing your research; monthly meetings and some excellent professional speakers throughout the year.  Currently, Pastfinders is offering 5 programs a month that are available at various times and dates, from Beginner Research Class to DNA Methodology.

To learn more, go to or send an email to and don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook at PastfindersofSL.