Jim Briggs, Clermont Historical Society President and board members Larry Rescoe and Dieter Grube

Jim Briggs, Clermont Historical Society President and board members Larry Rescoe and Dieter Grube have finished setting a new sign on the grounds of the Clermont Historic Village.  The sign is one of many that are showing up all over Lake County honoring the role citrus played in the history of the county.  John Jackson, former county agent, spearheaded the drive to have the beautiful, two-sided signs designed and produced.  Several of the families known for their role in the citrus industry worked with John to ensure this project came to life.

Each sign displays a 4’ X 4’ representation of two citrus packing labels and has a QR code for each label that can be scanned to give a brief history of citrus in Lake County and of the specific company associated with that label.  There will be a dedication ceremony for the Clermont Historic Village sign on Thursday, August 26th at 2:00 pm.  The public is invited to attend and share in honoring this important part of our history.

If you are interested in the history of Clermont in particular, or in history in general, why not consider joining the Clermont Historical Society?  Membership is just $25.00 per person or $35.00 for a couple annually.  The Historical Society holds monthly meetings on the second Monday of each month.  The board meeting (open to the public) begins at 6:00 pm and is followed by a presentation at 7:00 pm.  Our next meeting will be held on September 13th in the Depot.  The Historical Society also opens all the buildings in the Village to the public every weekend from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.  Volunteers are on hand to answer questions, conduct tours, and demonstrate some of the interesting items on display.

You can also see lots of pictures and information about the Village on our Facebook page and on our website at www.clermonthistoricvillage.org.  For questions or further information please call 352-242-7734.