Oakland Matching Grant

submitted by the Oakland Nature Preserve

Oakland Nature Preserve is delighted to announce that we have received a Challenge Match Grant for our environmental education programs! This grant will provide matching funds of $10,000 if we are able to raise $10,000.

This is extremely valuable to our environmental education programs, which serve people of all ages in both Orange and Lake counties. We are very proud of our educational accomplishments over the years, and with this opportunity, we can continue to develop and expand our programs.

Your donation will be matched, dollar for dollar, so your contribution will have double the impact and will directly help fund our educational programs throughout 2021-2022 school year.

Together we can meet the goal to raise $10,000!

Oakland Nature Preserve is an active 501c3 organization, and your donations may be tax deductible. You can make checks payable to Oakland Nature Preserve and mail to P.O. Box 841, Oakland, FL 34760. Please note on the memo line that your donation is for the Challenge Match Grant.

You can also visit www.OaklandNaturePreserve.org and click donate to have your gift matched.  Thank you for your continued support of Oakland Nature Preserve!

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