Celebrate Recovery recently celebrated its 9th year in Clermont.
Celebrate Recovery is for any kind of struggle in our lives. Less than 1/3 of the people who attend Celebrate Recovery struggle with substance abuse; the rest come for anger, marriage struggles, adult children on drugs, overeating, grief/divorce, depression/stress, you name it!
Some attendees are war veterans and many come because someone in the family is struggling. If a family member is struggling, it is most likely affecting others in the family.
There are now 35,000 Celebrate Recovery churches around the world, and that number continues to grow. Each is part of a movement that is bringing the healing power of Jesus Christ to the hurting and broken through step studies and journeys. To date, over 5 million people worldwide have completed a step study.
Celebrate Recovery is for ANYONE of ANY AGE to attend. Celebrate Recovery meets every Thursday, starting with dinner at 5:30 pm, large group worship at 7:00 pm, small confidential, gender-specific groups at 8:00 pm, and coffee and snacks at 9:00 pm. Middle and high school students are welcome to join us at “The Landing,” and younger children can attend “Celebration Place.”
For more information on Celebrate Recovery, visit their website at www.fumc-clermont.org, call the church office at 352-394-2412, or come to church on Thursdays.
There is free childcare available for newborns to 5th graders in the Education Building. All activities take place at the First United Methodist Church of Clermont, 950 7th Street, Clermont, FL 34711 (corner of Highway 50 & Seventh Street, downtown Clermont).