The Bl!ngs L-R: Director Ludmila Hemmings, Barbara Fleischman, Chris McEachern, Esther Hormay, Shelley Cuthbertson, Linda Simontacchi, Pauline Campbell and Lu Jo Karkovice

This women’s singing group, created in the midst of the pandemic as a way of both combating boredom and avoiding personal depression, continues giving back to its communities.

Pictured: Liz Martinez BL!NG tenor and Clermont Woman’s Club Member and Woman’s Club Fashion model

On Saturday, BL!NG members, under the tutelage of its learned, talented and patient director, Ludmila Hemmings, performed a complimentary, a capella rendering of ‘Let There be Peace on Earth’, to launch a local luncheon and fashion show.  Sponsored by Clermont Woman’s Club with fashions by Belk, the well-attended event and fundraiser was a bit off BL!NG’s usual beat. However when Liz Martinez, a tenor voice in the musical ensemble and also a longtime entity in the woman’s club, presented the opportunity, BL!NG was quick to accept.

Held at the massive Wesley Center of First United Methodist Church, BL!NG joined in the festivities, enjoying a sumptuous repast, and even walking away with a few prizes! As always the pleasant sense of accomplishment at having given back so freely to so many, outshined its heartfelt achievement. BL!NG, whose mantra is “No Rules, No Dues, No Judgements,” practices at 6:30 most Monday evenings and Thursdays at 11:15 a.m. in members’ homes. Those wishing to share their voice, or schedule a complimentary gig for shut-ins or others in the South Lake area, are welcome to email or text to 407-230-3758.