Pictured: Back row: Ryan Ford and Andrew Letter (game management), Scott Bisping (biologist, fisheries), Greg Workman (regional director), front row: Dan Kolterman (biologist, land), Nathalie Visscher (biologist, plants), Ryan Hamm (project manager) and Officer ChadWeber (FWC spokesman).

Submitted by Marty Proctor

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) held a meeting in Tavares November 9 to discuss the soon-to-be-released Lake Management Plans for the Harris Chain of Lakes.

The public meeting was well attended by both residents and FWC staffers.

The public was walked through the form and format as well as the content within the report. The primary objective was to obtain public feedback and the format. The document is available at the myFWC.com site. The web address is: https://myfwc.com/media/27870/hcol-full-draft.pdf

The FWC stated that these in-person meetings would be recorded. The recordings and resident feedback will be available on the Lake Management Plans web page.

The Plan covers the eight lakes comprising the Harris Chain specifically excluding Lake Apopka. The discussion included brief presentations by several of the FWC staff in attendance.

It was suggested that the Clermont Chain be included in the next round of lake management plans and the rapid growth of that area and increased use were acknowledged. The FWC was also made aware of citizen concerns about nutrient invasion whether from lawn fertilizer or septic tanks and the algae blooms on the Chain.

Hydrilla presence and management in all the Harris Chain of Lakes, especially Lake Yale was brought up several times. It was stated that hydrilla is established and will never be eradicated. Management of hydrilla will be balanced between all stakeholders including fishermen, boaters, hunters, and landowners. Spraying will be focussed on the dry season winter months where it will be most effective.

The stocking of hybrid bass, the impact of lakefront septic tanks, supporting duck hunting, and the promotion of FWC initiatives like lake clean ups were discussed. Solutions to manage the large quantity of high velocity boats at the take off for fishing tournaments were offered along with confirming the active monthly scouting plan on the chain.

The FWC welcomes you to contact them by email at HarrisChain@myfwc.com .

Pictured: Back row: Ryan Ford and Andrew Letter (game management), Scott Bisping (biologist, fisheries), Greg Workman (regional director), front row: Dan Kolterman (biologist, land), Nathalie Visscher (biologist, plants), Ryan Hamm (project manager) and Officer ChadWeber (FWC spokesman).