On a chilly Saturday evening on February 5, Beta Theta-ESA held “Shots in The Dark”, an event to raise money for 3-local high school scholarships for students entering Lake Sumter State College and a scholarship for a student entering the nursing program at South Lake Hospital.

Beta Theta has supported local causes for over 44 years.  “We create activities to support local causes”, says Michelle Delaney, the co-chair of the event and a long-time member of the service organization. She continued, “After 16 years of holding our annual Beta Theta Mardi Gras celebrations, the threat of Covid stalled the signature event and we needed to come up with another idea”.

Pictured: The Shots in the Dark Committee Team with Legend’s Golf Pro L-R Donna Kidder, Michelle Delaney, Chris Howell (Legend’s Pro), Sandie Stacy, Pat Moore and Toni Bell-Rescoe. Not pictured: Diann Lovette

Sandie Stacy, the event’s chair and current president of Beta Theta stated, “We needed to create a safe event that would follow COVID guidelines and yet be able to help support local causes. Our members do not want to jeopardize the health of our sponsors, contributors, supporters and guests”. Sandie came up with the idea of a nighttime golf fundraiser. The members went to work on creating their first annual “Shots In The Dark” fundraiser at Legends Golf Club Course and Clubhouse.

Beta Theta members plan to reignite its Mardi Gras Celebration but enthusiastically confirm that they will continue to plan and grow, “Shots In The Dark”. 

“This event would not have been possible without the support of our friends, family, supporters and business sponsors”, noted Stacy.

The women of Beta Theta shout out  a BIG Thank You to 


Coldwell Banker-Tony Hubbard Realty,

Clermont Brewing Co.

The Southern on 8th

Priority One Coaching

and  The South LAKE TABLET

And a special thank you to Andy Moherek, Cress Deglio, Noah, Patty and Will Delaney

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Beta Theta was chartered in 1979, raising funds and providing service to the South Lake Community. Over the years Beta Theta has hosted many successful fundraisers to provide scholarships to local High Schools students, as well as a nursing scholarship. Beta Theta has supported local organizations including The Animal League, Faith Neighborhood Center, Building Blocks Ministries, Boys and Girls Club, Teachers Appreciation, Hospice/Mike Conley House, St. Judes Research Center, The Greater Clermont Cancer Foundation. They have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to people in need, as well as their many hours of service.